By submitting the form below, I agree that I have read and understand the East Gippsland Gymnastics Club's Safety Code, Fee Policy, Behaviour & Discipline Code, Return to Training Policy & Attire Policy that are displayed below and also in the gym and available as a printed copy from the front desk.

To read the full Terms & Conditions / Rules & Regulations click the button below:

By submitting the below East Gippsland Gymnastics Club enrolment form, I approve of the application of my child or myself, and in doing so agree that the committee, coaches, assistants and judges shall be released from, and shall not incur, any responsibility or liability whatsoever for any incident or injury to the applicant, or for any damage to or loss of property of the applicant. I further authorise The East Gippsland Gymnastics Club to obtain medical assistance in the case of an accident or emergency and I agree to bear all costs thereby incurred.

By submitting the below form, I agree that I have read and understand the East Gippsland Gymnastics Club's Safety Code, Fee Policy, Behaviour & Discipline Code, Return to Training Policy & Attire Policy that are displayed below and also in the gym and available as a printed copy from the front desk.

I give permission for the East Gippsland Gymnastics Club to use written quotes, photographs, slide, video of me or my child for marketing, public relations and instructional purposes.


The annual Gymnastics Victoria/Gippsland Gymnastics/Club Membership fee is compulsory for ALL gymnasts. It provides membership and insurance for the current calendar year. It is Payable with the first enrolment of each calendar year.


Casual Pay As You Go as per enrolment form.


Recreational participants are encouraged to wear a leotard, or they can wear snug fitted singlets, T-shirt, shorts, leggings, track pants or hoodie. Please ensure these items are well fitted as loose-fitting clothing is a hazard. No crop tops or mid body showing top, skirts, dresses, jeans, board shorts, stockings or clothing with zips or buttons are permitted in training. No jewelry or watches. Only stud or sleeper earings are accepted. Gymnasts will be asked to remove any jewelry worn to class. No fake fingernails are to be worn during training.


No-one is permitted to take part in classes without a complete and signed enrolment form.


We respect privacy of individuals and any information collected on this document will be used only for the purposes of processing your enrolment for the service. Providing up-to-date information helps us improve our service to you. By completing this form you are accepting that the parents / guardians and the child /adult participant have consented for this information to be collected and given to the intended recipients of this information, The East Gippsland Gymnastics Club & it's staff, Gymnastics Victoria, Gippsland Gymnastics and relevant Government authorities. You have the right to access / alter personal information concerning yourself and your child in accordance with the Commonwealth Privacy Act (Amended 2001).


It is incumbent on everyone involved in gymnastics – participants, parents/carers, coaches administrators and visitors to:

  • Treat others with respect
  • Respect the personal space of others
  • Respect the property of others
  • Speak politely
  • Follow directions
  • Use club equipment appropriately
  • Allow classes to run without unwarranted interruptions
  • Uphold the club’s Safety Code


Inside the gymnastics centre – Participants

  • ALL gymnasts must be registered with Gymnastics Victoria
  • Only enrolled participants & coaches judges are permitted to be on the gymnastics floor and equipment.
  • Participants must bring a water bottle to training. Sweet/fizzy drinks are prohibited.
  • Gymnasts are only permitted onto the gymnastics floor when invited to do so by a coach. Participants may not start before class warm up commences.
  • Running in the gym is prohibited - unless playing an authorised game, vaulting or tumbling.
  • The only permitted jewellery are small stud earrings. Jewellery can get caught on fingers or apparatus’. Jewellery may also damage equipment.
  • Jeans/leggings/stockings are NOT to be worn ON the fibreglass bar rails. They are a hazard as they “shine” the bar, which makes them slippery.
  • Long hair must always be tied back. Hair can get caught in fingers, on apparatus’, obstruct vision and hit participants in the eyes when inverting or spin-

Inside the gymnastics centre – Spectators

  • Families are welcome to watch from the spectator area. Siblings, parents and friends of the enrolled gymnasts are not permitted on the floor area or to use the equipment.
  • Spectators may cross the floor in a safe manner along the wall to access the bathroom.

Thank you for understanding & assisting us to keep our gym a safe place.

NOTE: This form autosaves the form data that you enter as you progress to ensure you don't accidentally lose your data if the page reloads accidentally etc. IF YOU ARE ON A PUBLIC DEVICE and there is potential that you may not complete the form, you can click the button below and we will not autosave your form data. All form data is cleared after the form is submitted successfully.

Enrolment Form (Adult Classes)

Submission Successful

Thank you for your submission. We have sent you an email confirmation of your submission details. Please contact us if you do not receive this email.

Submission Details



Submission Date:

If you entered an email address, your submission details have been sent to you in an email.


Personal Details


(All address fields are required except Building Name)

Emergency Contact Details

Medical Information

If YES please provide a Management Plan and Action plan if required. These are available at the gym.

General Information

Is there any other information that may affect your gymnastics experience? For example, fear of heights, previous injuries, other medical or physical conditions not listed above.

Payment Information (Per Week)


Terms and Conditions

By ticking this box, you indicate that you have read and agree with our Rules, Regulations & Safety Code found here at this link (click to view).

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