Explore Gym 12mth – 2yrs

ExploreGym sets the foundation for toddlers to have proficient movement and assists the vital cognitive development children experience in their early years.

The program is for children aged 12 months to 2 years and provides the steps for future KinderGym programs. Suitable for toddlers who are crawling or walking.

Classes include a warm up game, two separate circuits, one which includes beams and tumble trampoline and the second will change each fortnight to excite and surprise toddlers. Every class finishes with stickers in their book so toddlers can learn when it’s home time. Toddlers are guided by coaches and parents to explore and play in our bright, stimulating, and safe space. We develop gross motor skills through swinging, climbing, balancing, crawling and jumping. Games, songs and fine motor activities are included to help with coordination, language and social development. ExploreGym is a fun place to be.

  • These 30min classes cost $12 per class. Payable fortnightly in advance via direct debit, or in full before the start of the term or first class ($120 for a 10 week term).
  • A Registration and Insurance fee of $50 is payable in Term 1 or on enrolment.

Class Bookings   Book Class Online

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